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Instability in the Central African Republic


Femicides in Mexico

Security Council MS

Stateless Kurds Conflict

Violation of Human Rights in Bengali Textile Factories

The Violation of Human Rights in Bengali Textile Companies

Stateless Kurds Conflict

World  Health Organization MS

Drug War and Drug Lords in Mexico

Eradicating Maternal Mortality


Addressing gender disparities and promoting gender equality in education

Preservation of indigenous cultures and languages

Security Council MS

Ensuring Security and Stability in Palestine

Addressing Security Challenges Posed by Artificial Intelligence

General Assembly MS

Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Global Security

Addressing the Impact of Technology on Modern Agriculture

World Health Organization MS

Ensuring Assistance for Populations Struck by Hurricanes

Strengthening Health Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Addressing the Increased Proliferation of Online Misinformation

Addressing the effect of AI on Education

Security Council HS

Discussing the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Warfare and Defense Strategies

Discussing the Impact of Technology in the Russia-Ukraine War and Subsequent Wars

General Assembly HS

Ensuring Security and Stability in Post-Conflict Zones

Addressing Privacy Concerns in the Digital World

World Health Organization HS

Ensuring Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies in conflict impacted zones

Strengthening International Cooperation in Health Emergencies

Background Guide Coming Soon

Ensuring Privacy Rights in the Age of AI Surveillance

Protecting the Rights of Children in Armed Conflicts


Promoting Economic Security and Social Inclusion for Refugees and Migrants in the UK

Protecting the Rights of Consumers in Online Shopping

GENAS Comité en español

Minimizando el Impacto Negativo de la Tecnología sobre el Sector Agrícola.

WHO Comité en español

Asegurando la Atención Médica en Poblaciones Afectadas por Huracanes.

Reforzando el Sistema de Salud en África Subsahariana

SecCoun Comité en español

Discutiendo el Uso de la Tecnología en la Guerra entre Rusia y Ukrania, y el Futuras Guerras.

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